Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Something to add

Today we had just two castings. I also talked with Polina, who goes to the gym every day. She said the membership card costs 9000 yen. That means you can use the gym and the pool, plus go to all the classes they have there (yoga, hip-hop, ballet, etc). I promised to become a member as soon as I get my advanced money. (That's on on Wednesday). Hopefully we will be going to the gym together then :) ..and that's something I really need!

Right now I'm really happy about the new pictures I got from the shooting with Maiken Staak I had just before leaving to Osaka. Hopefully they will use them in my Book.

Styling: Britta Ratas
Make-up: Mammu

Oh yeah, how could I forget. I gave in the application for University of Tartu today:)


  1. mitmes sa pingereas oled ja mitu punkti?

  2. jah, oled ilus , saame aru :D:D

  3. Eile olin veel 38. kohal, punkte 94,3..
    A: whaat? :D Aga tänan!

  4. omggg, sa oled ikka eriti supertubli!!!
