Sunday, July 3, 2011

How I went book shopping

We learn something new every day. For me, most fascinating has been to get to know Japanese culture and traditions. This way I can understand the people here much better, and it is easier for me to adjust.
So yestarday's lesson, a piece from the "model book" I got from the agency:
"Do not wear any perfume, body cream which has fragrance at a job. In the worst case, you may have to buy clients' products because of your perfume".
So remember this: Japanese don't like if you smell!! There's no matter if you smell good or bad, they just don't want you in their space.

I am well thaught and I know, that you should'nt talk to strangers, especially go with them. But I also know, that this is the only way to get new friends (I mean talking). So today, I met this guy from Switzerland in a 6-floor book store nearby. I found out that his name is Lucas and he is a sportsman (long story short). He offered me to show me the Osaka Castle and, as I try to be open for opportunities and he really seemed a nice person, I said yes. So we took the JR Osaka Loop Line (a local train) four stops to Osaka-jo-koen station (koen = park). After walking around the castle, we said good bye and went our ways.
I came back to Osaka (or Umeda) station, which is the second closest stop in our area. As it is surrounded by big shopping centers that are all under Summer Bargain Sale, it took me another 3 hours to get back home. I did't want to do much shopping, but there were some things I needed, so I went the famous discount store - Don Quijote -, that sells literally everything.
Before coming home (as home I mean and will be meaning the model apartment I live in) for good, I bought something to eat. I recognised, I hadn't eaten anything and I was starving again.
I got back exactly at 8.30 pm. Now I've been resting, eating and talking to my family on Skype. I hope some of my friends will come online soon aswell (- damn time difference!)

For now, I am completely exhausted from the 6-and-a-half hour walk, but it has been a well spent day. And again - I hope it gets even better tomorrow.

The Osaka Castle

Somewhere on Mido-suji Avenue

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