Monday, September 12, 2011

Simple cut

For Saturday noon I had an appointment with Ms Shirota in Blanco in Omote-Sando.

She cut my hair. About 15 cm, and layered a bit. It was just becoming too much.

Now it feels a bit funny. And light. Oh yes, so light.

It was also my first time in a hair salon in Japan. You might wonder if I have never really cut my hair in Japan before, since I am here for the third time already. Usually I just let them do the small things at jobs. It's the easiest way and I don't have to pay.

So it was a nice experience. I was fortunate to be there at the same time with a student from USA. She helped me to understand the hair stylist a little better. Because those Japanese! Ms Shirota asked me something like if my hair was going early. And I really didn't know how to answer that.
I mean - how early does your hair go?
Thanks to that art student, we made it clear, that my hair grows fast.
All that fun of cutting and treating and shampooing cost me just 4400 yen. At leat 2 times more than in Estonia, but hey, this is Tokyo we are talking about.

With my hair all light, clean and glossy, I went to my favourite store - Kaldi coffee farm - that is also in Omote-Sando. Then I went to the 100-yen store in Harajuku, and then walked back to Roppongi. It is supposed to be about a 40-minute walk, but since I stopped in 3 different stores on the way, it took me 3 hours to get back home.
But on the way, I did find some good places to do my grocery shopping. And...
I found black bread! Made from rye with syrup and seeds and everything!
Yes, it is imported from Germany, and been in the package for at least a month, but it still tastes and smells like Estonia, so it is enough for me. And 8 slices just cost 300 yen, so it is affordable.

When I got back home, after walking for 4 hours, I had a rest and a light dinner and went to the gym for an hour, to be in time to meet Reelika and Triinu (the two other Estonian girls in town) at 8.30. We had a nice evening with a bottle of Japanese plum wine at Reelika's place.

So again, I got 3,5-hours of sleep and went to my job today morning. For underwear.
I was expecting to have around 18-19 cuts, but at the end, there was only 8. So it was super easy. I was working with Sabrina - a girl from USA - who I'm also working with for the same job in Tuesday.
The make-up and hair was ridiculously cute and ugly, but somehow I managed not to lose my mind.
In the end, we ate some of the decorations again. They were supersweet and of course I felt guilty after eating a complete sugar-bomb, but they were way too inviting..

They also had a lot of fruit for the setting and they gave a lot to us. I think it is the first time I get fruits, not sweets, to take home from a job. And since fruit really is expencive here, it was the best thing ever.

Now it's already late in the evening, but today was the first day, when I got home before 4pm. We finished the job two hours earlier than supposed to, so it was great. I finally had time to check out the Hanamasa supermarket in Akasaka. It is a 20-minute walk from my apartment, but it is worth going, since they really sell some cheap fruit&vegetables - the things I eat the most.

And now my mission is complete - I've managed to put down most of what happened during the past week. And did I enjoy it?

Of course I did. I was busy as hell, but I was working five days out of eight, so supertired and superhappy. I just hope it will be like this until November.

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