Sunday, August 21, 2011

Klaudia's wedding

For the third time in Osaka, I worked for
Klaudia today. The clients were nice, just as last time, and the job was pleasant. It took 2 hours longer than expected though, but it was bareable thanks to the fact that me and Saule were working together. We started at 10 am, and finished after 7 pm. The studio was up in the mountains, outside of Osaka. The second floor window had a really beautiful view to the area. I felt rather sleepy the whole time. And there was a lot of waiting, so I tended to doze off all the time.

Bento-box full of tempura, rice and pickled vegetables

Klaudia is a big client for us, they have many jobs and they pay very well. They tend to have really colorful and more like Shibuya-girl dresses, but they do have very elegant white wedding gowns as well. I've just happened to do those 'genki pose' lines. Like today - the line I worked for was called "Sweet glitter".

The firs setting was like this. So you can use your imagination and fit some wedding dresses in the middle of that.

Seems like the rain from Tokyo finally got here. It was cooler than usually already in the morning, and when we finished our job, it was quite chilly. I hope this weather lasts longer, so that I can go hiking in Mino mountain (or so called 'monkey mountain') without having a heat stroke on the way.

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