Monday, August 1, 2011


Friday wasn't that special. In the morning I went to Tipness again - gym and swimming. Then I had one casting for a TVC ( TV commercial). That was pretty funny.
In the evening we had dinner with the agency in a Japanese restaurant behind our apartment. It was great! I got to try all these really good Japanese dishes once again: cold soup with vegetables and mushrooms, grilled salmon and tuna sushi, seaweed, different salads, fried fish, eggplant, and my favourite of them all was fried tofu! I never really liked tofu, but the one we had was truly yummy. And of course - the plum wine was exellent!

The start of our dinner

Later we sat on the roof with Polina, Thomas, Kolja and Marta..just listening to music and chatting until the guys and Polina went out.

Saturday I had a testshoot. I said to myself already last year: No more testshoots in Japan. But I agreed this time, because a stylist was from the job I had on Monday..and they promised not to do any cute Japanese style photos. Once again I was disappointed - we did do really Japanese stuff. I had only two cuts luckily. Otherwise I would've died there. The shooting was outside. Must mention, that there is around 35 degrees every day. For the first cut we went to a park and within the 15 minutes we where there and the 5 minutes we were actually shooting, I got 20 mosquito bites on my legs. They were really ichy and red. I looked like I had a skin infection. The second outfit was much better, although, still nothing I had imagined or wanted. A bit hippie-style.
When we had finished, the photographer took some natural head shots as well. For my book. But I am not sure they are what I need. I got all the pictures on the CD, but I can't really check them, because my computer doesn't have a CD-drive. I also got a present from the stylist. The tanktop from the second outfit. That was nice of her, and I quite like the top.
In the evening I did my fruit shopping. Got some blueberries, peaches, watermelon, kiwi..all I need to survive. Soymilk too, of course. Around 7 pm I went swimming. I was too tired to work out.

Today I decided to go check out Yodobashi Umeda - a big electronics store. I got a case for my computer and finally a screen protection for my htc (there already are like 3 scratches on it)..I also bought a new book to read in the car and during the jobs, when I have to wait. I got Haruki Murakami's
"Kafka on the shore". I've really enjoyed his books so far, I hope I like this one too.

Haruki Murakami

Now I've spent all my evening inside
. Few hours ago I went to Savoy to get some water and for dinner. It started to rain a bit as I was leaving and when I left the store it was truly raining cats and dogs. I had an umberella, but still got soaking wet. I guess it feels a bit like in Estonia right now. I heard it is flooding everywhere..

I am sure I will be finished with "Kafka on the shore" quite soon, so I will need something else to read. Recommendations are welcome!

And I will post some pics from the testshoot soon. I attempted to buy a CD-reader today, but they didn't have the kind I liked. But I will get those pictures off that disk for sure!

Oh, I got these earrings too..

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